Game of Thrones (2011 - 2019)
The Laws of Gods and Men
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Stannis makes a deal with the Iron Bank of Braavos. Yara and her troops storm the Dreadfort to free Theon. Meanwhile, Daenerys meets Hizdar zo Loraq and her other supplicants. And the day of Tyrion's trial has come where Tyrion faces his father.
Guest Stars
As Ramsay Snow
As Tommen Baratheon
As Myranda
As Mace Tyrell
As Sir Loras Tyrell
As Yara Greyjoy
As Missandei
As Grand Maester Pycelle
As Hizdahr zo Loraq
As Goatherd
As First Mate
As Lhara
As Bathhouse Prostitute
As Ironborn
As Bolton Guard
As Goatherd's Son
As Barristan Selmy
As Salladhor Saan
As Meryn Trant
As Tycho Nestoris
As Oberyn Martell
As Waitress