Game of Thrones (2011 - 2019)
Mother's Mercy
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Stannis marches. Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei seeks forgiveness. Jon is challenged.
Guest Stars
As Myrcella Baratheon
As Trystane Martell
As High Sparrow
As Ramsay Snow
As Tyene Sand
As Nymeria Sand
As Obara Sand
As The Waif
As Septa Unella
As Olly
As Qyburn
As Gregor 'The Mountain' Clegane
As Areo Hotah
As Doran Martell
As Myranda
As Alliser Thorne
As Kevan Lannister
As Podrick Payne
As Grand Maester Pycelle
As Bowen Marsh
As Ghita
As Baratheon General
As Septa Moelle
As Brothel Child #1
As Brothel Child #2
As Baratheon Soldier #1
As Baratheon Soldier #2
As Gordy
As Simpson
As Woodcutter
As Drunk
As Whore
As Septa Scolera
As Othell Yarwyck
As Meryn Trant