Game of Thrones (2011 - 2019)
First of His Name
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After Tommen is crowned the King of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei and Tywin plan the Crown's next move. Meanwhile, Dany weighs her future plans regarding Westeros and Slaver's Bay. Sansa and Lord Baelish arrive at the Eyrie and Jon Snow along with men from the Night's Watch attacks Craster's Keep.
Guest Stars
As Daario Naharis
As Tommen Baratheon
As Mace Tyrell
As Robin Arryn
As Sir Loras Tyrell
As Grenn
As Eddison Tollett
As Hodor
As Podrick Payne
As Missandei
As Meera Reed
As Grand Maester Pycelle
As Locke
As Karl Tanner
As High Septon
As Morag
As Sissy
As Donnel Waynwood
As Lysa Arryn
As Barristan Selmy
As Rast
As Jojen Reed
As Oberyn Martell