Game of Thrones (2011 - 2019)
The Winds of Winter
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Tyrion counsels Daenerys on the upcoming campaign. Jon and Sansa discuss their future. Trials begin in King's Landing.
Guest Stars
As Bronn
As Tyene Sand
As Nymeria Sand
As Obara Sand
As Robett Glover
As Septa Unella
As Young Ned
As Lyanna Stark
As Lyanna Mormont
As Yohn Royce
As Qyburn
As Gregor 'The Mountain' Clegane
As Mace Tyrell
As Walder Frey
As Benjen Stark
As Gilly
As Lancel Lannister
As Sir Loras Tyrell
As Yara Greyjoy
As Kevan Lannister
As Olenna Tyrell
As Meera Reed
As Ellaria Sand
As Grand Maester Pycelle
As Lothar Frey
As Black Walder Rivers
As Citadel Maester
As Handmaid
As Handmaid
As Tommen's manservant
As Arthur
As Gared
As Marei